Since our first show in 2012 we have raised over £400,000 for charity. Our charitable donations are made possible by our visitors’ purchases of sculptures, teas and coffees and their generous donations. So, thank you!
Cotswolds Arts Through Schools (CATS)
Local schools have been encouraged to exhibit and attend the exhibition since 2014. Since 2021 we have funded an ambitious arts outreach programme in local primary schools across the North Cotswolds. This has now become an innovative partnership of local arts organisations developing the teaching of art, music, drama, dance, and oracy within local primary schools.
Along with our partners, we provide art materials, musical instruments, professionally led art, music and drama workshops, dance and oracy lesson support, and teacher training to support schools in the Cotswolds to create arts-rich learning environments. This is growing year on year and needs your support.
The Koestler Trust – Art in Secure Institutions
The Koestler Trust is the UK’s best-known secure institution arts charity. They have been awarding, exhibiting and selling artworks by offenders, detainees and secure patients for over 50 years.
The awards programme it runs receive over 8,000 entries a year – inspiring offenders to take part in the arts, work for achievement and transform their lives. Some artists start to learn art while in prison and go on to become professional artists. Since 2007, the Koestler Trust has supported ex-offenders to continue with their artistic activities by matching them with a specially trained arts mentor.
Sculpture Park in Harare
Turbulence in Zimbabwe has made tough conditions harder for Zimbabwean sculptors, inheritors of a proud tradition. They are now short of customers for their excellent work and struggle in difficult conditions. Sculpture at Kingham Lodge has not only supported this work by buying and selling their sculpture but also through providing grants that have enabled a borehole for fresh water, building of a schoolroom and exhibition space and providing a wheelchair for an artist.
Helen and Douglas House
Helen & Douglas House cares for terminally ill babies, children and young adults and supports their families at their hospice in Oxford, at home and in hospital. They provide medical, emotional and practical support, helping families deal with the implications of living with a child who will die prematurely, so they can make the most of their time together. Helen & Douglas House rely on the generosity of supporters like us to help people live life to the full, even when that life is short.
Tillie’s mum, Jodie says : ‘Without Helen & Douglas House we wouldn’t have felt as strong and as confident to have a sick child like Tillie’.
Rafiki Thabo Foundation
Rafiki Thabo helps disadvantaged young people in Kenya, Uganda and Lesotho reach their full potential by enabling over 160 young people to access secondary and tertiary education, providing hot meals daily to 70 secondary school students in Uganda who would not otherwise eat and supporting the development of secondary school infrastructure in Kenya, Uganda and Lesotho.
Donations are also made to a variety of other charities between shows, which have included initiatives and events in the local area, national charities such as Combat Stress and international appeals such as Anandvan Leper Colony in India.