Piotr Gargas
Piotr trained in stone sculpture for 5 years in Poland where his training included the
tradition of studying and copying the work of the great classical sculptors.
On completion of his studies he was invited to join a company focused on the
restoration of decorative stone features on historic buildings. Over the next ten years
Piotr honed his skills working across Europe helping with the restoration of sculpture
created by generations of craftsmen and artists.
Throughout this practical immersion in art Piotr developed the skills to envisage and
recreate heavily eroded and damaged sculptures in the style of the original artists.
Inevitably, his work has been described as ‘cosmetic surgery’ in stone, but more
importantly, these skills have led to the development of Piotr’s own artistic style.
Since being invited to carry on this work on the Colleges and Churches of
Oxfordshire Piotr’s own contemporary art has flourished and expanded to include
digital sculpting. He works in all kinds of materials including wood and clay. Currently,
his sculpture, inspired by nature organic form, focuses on a design using the most
modern 3D imaging technology to then create his own form in stone that reflects the
flow and harmony so evident in organic forms.