Bledington is a small village primary school of 65 children where we are working with artist Emma Cox to deliver a weekly after school club.  We also deliver termly whole school workshops, termly art competitions and we have re-stocked the art cupboard.

“The first two weeks of art club have gone really well. The kids love it! They don’t want to leave. In fact, we got told off by the Head for over running by 5 mins and they all did a big ohhhwww at the end!”

  • Whole School Exhibit

    In May 2021 the whole school worked with artist Emma Cox to make ‘Blossom’ for the Sculpture at Kingham Lodge 2021 show.

    Acrylic paint on cut up plastic bottles and strung on fishing wire, it was highly effective and attracted a lot of interest.  Some wanted to buy it, some wanted to go home and recreate it.

  • Art Club

    “I have temporarily banned pencils and erasers as they seem to worry so much about making mistakes and I want them to embrace the errors!  I want them to learn from and look back at all of the pieces – I told them some of the favourite parts of my paintings have come from the mistakes I’ve made.”

  • Workshops

    Whole school workshops have given everyone the opportunity to learn new techniques and create individual pieces as well as contribute to community displays.

Promoting art in primary schools

If you would like to find out more and support our work, either as an artist or as a donor please visit our charity website: