Ducklington is a large village school of 220 pupils and has exhibited at and visited every Sculpture at Kingham Lodge show since the very beginning!  We are working with them to enhance the curriculum, re-stock their art cupboard, upskill teachers and provide termly art experiences.

  • Whole School Workshop

    In March ’22 artists Emma Cox and Abigail Boisot worked with the whole school to deliver a charcoal drawing workshop.  Inspired by birds the children could come up with their own design (‘there are no mistakes’) and they were pinned to a tree in a whole school display for all to see.

    Children and staff have been very positive about the workshops and parents have told us their children have been inspired to continue doing art at home.  Out of the mouths of babes: “I can’t wait to get home and start drawing”. “I wish we could do this everyday” “This doesn’t feel like school as it’s so much fun”. “I loved using the charcoal without reproachful adults worrying about our cleaness (sic)”.


    In the Autumn term of ’22 Emma Cox and Abigail Boisot delivered a watercolour workshop to the whole school and everyone got to try out new techniques and learn about paint mixing brush strokes and how to let your creativity out of it’s box!

    In the Spring term of ’23 Artburst will be working with Ducklington to create a sculpture for the May ’23 show of Sculpture at Kingham Lodge.


  • Curriculum Subscription

    In December ’22 we paid for a subscription to Kapow Primary Art Curriculum to enhance the delivery of art as a curriculum subject. We also paid for the art resources for a year to support the best delivery of this curriculum.

  • Teacher Training

    In the summer term of ’22 the art teachers of Ducklington came and enjoyed a day of teacher training at Kingham Hill School exploring new techniques, swapping ideas with other teachers and generally having an inspiring day out!

Promoting art in primary schools

If you would like to find out more and support our work, either as an artist or as a donor please visit our charity website: