St David’s is a large town school of 300 pupils where we are funding art resources, termly art experiences and teacher training.
Whole School Workshop
In March ’22 artists Emma Cox and Abigail Boisot worked with the whole school to deliver a charcoal drawing workshop. Inspired by birds the children could come up with their own design (‘there are no mistakes’) and they were pinned to a tree in a whole school display for all to see.
Children and staff have been very positive about the workshops and parents have told us their children have been inspired to continue doing art at home. Out of the mouths of babes: “I can’t wait to get home and start drawing”. “I wish we could do this everyday” “This doesn’t feel like school as it’s so much fun”. “I loved using the charcoal without reproachful adults worrying about our cleaness (sic)”.
In July ’22 artists Emma Cox and Abigail Boisot delivered a watercolour workshop to the whole school, teaching the techniques and creative opportunities of this popular medium.
In Nov ’22 artists Emma Cox and Abigail Boisot delivered a clay workshop to the whole school, encouraging children to have squidgy fun alongside learning about the techniques of working with clay.
In the spring of ’23 artist Abigail Boisot will work with the whole school to develop a sculpture for the next Sculpture at Kingham Lodge show 20-29th May 2023.
Year Group Workshops
Artist Abigail Boisot is visiting the school weekly to provide art experiences to each year group on a half termly basis, in this way building up knowledge and experience of art that fit with the schools timetable.
An additional benefit to in-school workshops as opposed to after school clubs is that these experiences are guaranteed for everyone, not just those that can stay after school, which sadly is not a practical opportunity for everyone.
Curriculum Subscription
To enhance the regular provision of art lessons as part of the core curriculum, we have paid for the subscription to Kapow Primary for Art lesson plans. This will help teachers deliver regular lessons in term time, developing the children’s creativity and widening their opportunities.
In Oct ’22 we funded sketch books for everyone, at the schools request, to develop their artistic experience.
Promoting art in primary schools
If you would like to find out more and support our work, either as an artist or as a donor please visit our charity website: